Zimbabwe My Beloved Country, Growing Up There And How Life Was.
Zimbabwe My Beloved Country, Growing Up There And How Life Was. GGXLB
Zimbabwe is a beautiful country located in Southern Africa. I got its independence from British rule in 1980. It has a population of about 14 million people and has the best climate in the whole of Southern Africa.
I grew up in Zimbabwe. One of my earliest memories is waking up at our rural farm to birds singing in the morning sun. We would then have breakfast and go to the field to till land. Oh, those were awesome days. We would play in the fields and the rocks nearby as the older ones were ploughing the land. We would run around the rocks, laughing and carefree until one of the older ones call us for some tea. It was always the same brekfast, sweet milky tea with sweet potatoes. How we lobed and enjoyed it.
Zimbabwe is a
country located in Southern Africa. I
its independence from British
in 1980. It has a population of about 14 million
and has the best climate in the whole of Southern Africa.
I grew up in Zimbabwe. One of my earliest memories is waking up at our rural farm to birds singing in the morning sun. We would then have breakfast and go to the field to till land. Oh, those were awesome days. We would play in the fields and the rocks nearby as the older
the land. We would run around the rocks, laughing and carefree until one of the older
call us for
tea. It was always the same
, sweet milky tea with sweet potatoes. How
we lobed
and enjoyed it.
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