IELTS exam Preparation Tools Speaking

  • 1. Dictionarying
  • 2. Vocabularying
  • 3. English 911
  • 4. IELTSing GPT
1. Dictionarying
NEW - learn new words while watching your favorite TV shows or movies!
Dictionarying is a Chrome extension that makes it easy to translate subtitles on platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Coursera, Udemy, Amazon Prime Video, and local videos. Simply hover over an unfamiliar word in the subtitle, and the video will pause while a translation pops up. You can also save words for export later.
2. Vocabularying - take your word skills to the next level! Play fun and interactive games designed to boost both your active and passive vocabulary. Easily import words from your Google Translate history or to personalize your learning. Available on our website and mobile app!
3. English 911 - Your ultimate writing assistant that instantly checks and corrects spelling, grammar, and tone. This tool goes beyond basic fixes, enhancing your text based on context to ensure clear, professional communication. It's easy to improve your emails, messages or texts — just paste, click and copy.
IELTSing GPT - A comprehensive AI tool for evaluating IELTS essays, letters, and academic writings. Get instant assessment across four critical: Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range, and Task Achievement. Detailed sub-criteria analysis helps you understand your performance. Completely free for all IELTS candidates.