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the last time you celebrated a special day

the last time you celebrated a special day Gpk2Q
I was on vacation in Australia last summer when I got a terrible case of the flu. I had to stay in bed for four days and it was a week before I was feeling well enough to go out. I have a cousin in Sydney who was really kind and spent a lot of time with me until I was better. By then, I only had three days of sightseeing left before I had to leave. I saw the Sydney Opera House, and that was about it. The most awful thing is I didn't have the chance to go scuba diving. I want to go back and scuba dive there. They have the best coral reefs in the world.
I was on vacation in Australia last summer when I
a terrible case of the flu. I had to stay in bed for four days and it was a week
I was feeling well
to go out. I have a cousin in Sydney who was
kind and spent
a lot of
time with me until I was better. By then, I
had three days of sightseeing
I had to
. I
the Sydney Opera
, and that was about it. The most awful thing is I didn't have the chance to go scuba diving. I want to go back and scuba dive there. They have the best coral reefs in the world.
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IELTS essay the last time you celebrated a special day

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