Robot revolution: Will they rule the world and take over all the jobs?
Robot revolution: Will they rule the world and take over all the jobs? pMX50
Nowadays robots are an everyday thing, robots have helped us a lot in different kind of jobs, and they have been evolving more and more, and recently developing artificial intelligence, some people have a big rejection towards this new kind of technologies, artificial intelligence in combination with robots can be catastrophic according to conspiracy theorists, but is there any truth to this? This essay will focus on different points of view, are they going to take away all our jobs? Are they going to replace humans?
Nowadays robots are an everyday thing, robots have
us a lot in
kind of jobs, and they have been evolving more and more, and recently developing artificial intelligence,
have a
rejection towards this new kind of technologies, artificial intelligence in combination with robots can be catastrophic according to conspiracy theorists,
is there any truth to this? This essay will focus on
points of view, are they going to take away all our jobs? Are they going to replace humans?
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