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Masters in Public Health

Masters in Public Health bLLaX
Since a young age, I have been determined to devote myself to a lifetime of service to others and I feel that capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. It is in pursuit of this passion that I am applying for the Master of Public Health Program being offered by the Saint Louis University, USA. I would describe myself as a very determined learner and a resilient professional who is always eager to know more and more about her surroundings. The quality that I like most about myself is my passion for the betterment of my community. I am a graduate of Dental Surgery from CMH Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan, but as I take into consideration the future of my country and the profession which will give me the opportunity for more impact, I am now inclined to move towards the public health profession. Though a tough decision to choose between the science and art of disease prevention and dentistry practice, I however draw strength from the understanding that public health is the field with more need of my contribution at this point. My first introduction to public health came through a course in Community and Preventive Dentistry during my undergraduate studies which gained my most attention among the sub-disciplines of Medicine based on the wide area of focus in helping to prevent and solving both major and minor health issues like no other field. I am specifically interested in epidemiology and community health which are the cornerstone of public health in my opinion with a role in informing policy decisions and evidence-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and target for preventive healthcare. After completing my undergraduste studies, I have been working as a dental surgeon for more then 6 years, through which, I have been able to gain knowledge of healthcare, patient management, clinical practices, and disease progression. More so, I developed research, teamwork, documentation, effective communication, proactive thinking, and time management skills. Therefore, I decided to acquire the knowledge that will qualify me to work in this industry through a Masters degree. Fortunately for me, the Saint Louis University would help me achieve my goals of furthering a career in Public Health Program with a concentration in Health Behavior and Education in order to research and implement intervention policies aimed at providing the population with direct access to health care services. Also, I inspire to infuse health care concepts in young men and women by integrating health awareness in educational programs and conducting campaigns that would elevate a sense of responsibility for a better well-being. One of my main attractions was the challenges I identified that was affecting public health effectiveness in Pakistan, so learning from the Saint Louis University curriculum that takes into consideration the complexities of national and international public health is ideal for me. Course modules such as Applied Public Health Practice, Health Research Methods and Critical Appraisal, are of interest to me. I have been opportune to be in positions that have helped me develop strong skill sets that will help me relate well with teachers and fellow students. Since I have picked public health over dentistry as a career possibility, I look forward to putting in my best to attain high academic performance. My academic record from my previous degree suggests my potentials. Conclusively, I understand that this course is highly sought for, but despite the number of people that will be applying, I want to believe that my zeal and academic prospects will be enough to deem me worthy of a place in this program. I look forward to your consideration.
Since a young age, I have
been determined
to devote myself to a lifetime of service to others and I feel that capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. It is in pursuit of this passion that I am applying for the Master of
being offered
by the Saint Louis University, USA. I would
myself as a
determined learner and a resilient professional who is always eager to know more and more about her surroundings. The quality that I like most about myself is my passion for the betterment of my community. I am a graduate of Dental Surgery from CMH Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan,
as I take into consideration the future of my country and the profession which will give me the opportunity for more impact, I am
inclined to
towards the
profession. Though a tough decision to choose between the science and art of disease prevention and dentistry
, I
draw strength from the understanding that
is the field with more need of my contribution at this point. My
introduction to
came through a course in Community and Preventive Dentistry during my undergraduate studies which gained my most attention among the sub-disciplines of Medicine based on the wide area of focus in helping to
and solving both major and minor
issues like no other field. I am
interested in epidemiology and community
which are the cornerstone of
in my opinion with a role in informing policy decisions and evidence-based
by identifying
factors for disease and target for preventive healthcare. After completing my undergraduste studies, I have been working as a dental surgeon for more then 6 years, through which, I have been able to gain knowledge of healthcare, patient management, clinical
, and disease progression. More
, I developed research, teamwork, documentation, effective communication, proactive thinking, and time management
, I decided to acquire the knowledge that will qualify me to work in this industry through a Masters degree.
for me, the Saint Louis University would
me achieve my goals of furthering a career in
with a concentration in
Behavior and Education in order to research and implement intervention policies aimed at providing the population with direct access to
care services.
, I inspire to infuse
care concepts in young
and women by integrating
awareness in educational
and conducting campaigns that would elevate a sense of responsibility for a better well-being. One of my main attractions was the challenges I identified that was affecting
effectiveness in Pakistan,
learning from the Saint Louis University curriculum that takes into consideration the complexities of national and international
is ideal for me. Course modules such as Applied
Research Methods and Critical Appraisal, are of interest to me. I have been opportune to be in positions that have
me develop strong
sets that will
me relate well with teachers and fellow students. Since I have picked
over dentistry as a career possibility, I look forward to putting in my best to attain high academic performance. My academic record from my previous degree suggests my potentials.
, I understand that this course is
sought for,
despite the number of
that will be applying, I want to believe that my zeal and academic prospects will be
to deem me worthy of a place in this
. I look forward to your consideration.
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