friend old university home country
friend old university home country RDk8Q
Dear Friend,
It’s been two years since we lost spoke over the phone. How have you been? I’m really sorry for not staying in touch after all the promises we made that no matter what, we will always stay in touch, time flies, things change but guess what, I have an exciting news for you!
I will be travelling to your home country Kenya to join the University of Nairobi for my Postgraduate studies in Taxation. You know how obsessed I was with this subject and I still clearly remember you had mentioned this institute in many of our conversations.
Moreover, you know how these days’ work experience is important and goes hand in hand with education! Although I have already applied to many consultancy firms, I am uncertain on its outcome. I just need a favor from you, if you don’t mind, do you have any contacts with anyone in this field who may help? no pressure, though.
I really look forward to meet you!
Dear Friend,
It’s been two years since we lost spoke over the phone. How have you been? I’m
sorry for not staying in touch
after all
the promises we made that no matter what, we will always stay in touch, time flies, things
guess what, I have an exciting news for you!
I will be travelling to your home country Kenya to
the University of Nairobi for my Postgraduate studies in Taxation. You know how obsessed I was with this subject and I
remember you had mentioned this institute in
of our conversations.
, you know how these days’ work experience is
and goes hand in hand with education! Although I have already applied to
consultancy firms, I am uncertain on its outcome. I
need a favor from you, if you don’t mind, do you have any contacts with anyone in this field who may
? no pressure, though.
look forward to
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