Faforite movie genres in china and japan
Faforite movie genres in china and japan 8BN5m
The pie charts provide information about the genre of movie preferred in China and Japan.
Overall, most people from China and Japan prefer action movie over the other movie genres, while sci-fi is the least with similar ratio. However, there are some differences in the selection of other genres.
in China, action film and drama fans are at the same percentage, namely 30% of fans. followed by comedy films which have as many as 25% fans. for drama films in China accounted for 10% of fans of this kind of film. while for sci-fi movies only have 5% fans only.
Meanwhile, in Japan, action films are much more interested, namely 57% of viewers and become the most popular film genre, followed by drama films with a percentage of 25% of viewers. then romantic movies, only have 8% fans. and the least interested are comedy and sci-fi films as much as 5%.
The pie charts provide information about the genre of
preferred in China and Japan.
, most
from China and Japan prefer action
over the other
genres, while sci-fi is the least with similar ratio.
, there are
differences in the selection of other genres.
in China, action film and drama fans are at the same percentage,
30% of fans. followed by comedy films which have as
as 25% fans. for drama films in China accounted for 10% of fans of this kind of film. while for sci-fi
have 5% fans
Meanwhile, in Japan, action films are much more interested,
57% of viewers and become the most popular film genre, followed by drama films with a percentage of 25% of viewers. then romantic
have 8% fans. and the least interested are comedy and sci-fi films as much as 5%.
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