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a celebrity that you like

a celebrity that you like QbG8P
Well, I’d like to talk about Tu You-you, the first Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine. Actually, she is the first female citizen of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize in any category. She discovered a medicine, used to treat malaria, a breakthrough in twentieth-century tropical medicine, saving millions of lives in South China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. I got to know about her when I was still a junior middle school student. I can still remember it was on a sunny weekend, when I went to a book store to buy biology magazine as usual. As soon as I walked in the shop, I was attracted by the headlines on a magazine cover with her photo. I just couldn’t wait to open it and read articles of her stories and achievements. It seemed that the more I read about her the more I like about her personality. Firstly, she is hard-working scientist and never gives up on her goals. The medicine was not developed successfully until she has failed for hundreds of times. I believe that nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Secondly, she is a positive and optimistic woman. Although she was never selected as a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences or engineering, it didn’t stop her from devoting herself into researches and making contributions to society.
Well, I’d like to talk about Tu You-you, the
Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or
. Actually, she is the
female citizen of the
's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize in any category. She discovered a
to treat malaria, a breakthrough in twentieth-century tropical
, saving millions of
in South China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. I
to know about her when I was
a junior middle school student. I can
remember it was on a sunny weekend, when I went to a book store to
biology magazine as usual. As
as I walked in the shop, I
was attracted
by the headlines on a magazine cover with her photo. I
couldn’t wait to open it and read articles of her stories and achievements. It seemed that the more I read about her the more I like about her personality.
, she is
-working scientist and never gives up on her goals. The
was not developed
until she has failed for hundreds of times. I believe that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
, she is a
and optimistic woman. Although she was never selected as a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences or engineering, it didn’t
her from devoting herself into researches and making contributions to society.
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