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How Oligarchic becomes democracy

How Oligarchic becomes democracy Ab921
How oligarchic become democracy? According to Socrates democracy carried out when the poor, having gained a victory, will destroy some of their opponents, others will be expelled, and the rest will be equalized in civil rights and in filling public posts, which in a democratic system is mostly done by lot. First of all citizens in this state will be free, they can make own decision and ability to do whatever they want. For instance, if any law forbids you to govern or judge, you can still govern and judge. It would seem that this is the best state system. However, In a democratic system, to become famous, you have to please the crowd, people will decide on the actions they like, they don’t care if you did the right thing or not. Democratic man in the beginning will like a Oligarchic man to suppress in oneself those lusts that lead to waste, and not to gain. However, bashfulness will be pushed out, calling it stupidity, and prudence will be called a lack of courage and thrown away, throwing mud at, together with, impudence they will call enlightenment, unbridledness - freedom, debauchery - magnificence, shamelessness - courage.
How oligarchic become democracy? According to Socrates democracy carried out when the poor, having gained a victory, will
of their opponents, others will
be expelled
, and the rest will
be equalized
in civil rights and in filling public posts, which in a democratic system is
done by lot.
First of all
citizens in this state will be free, they can
decision and ability to do whatever they want.
For instance
, if any law forbids you to govern or judge, you can
govern and judge. It would seem that this is the best state system.
, In a democratic system, to become
, you
have to
the crowd,
will decide on the actions they like, they don’t care if you did the right thing or not. Democratic
in the beginning will like
to suppress in oneself those lusts that lead to waste, and not to gain.
, bashfulness will
be pushed
out, calling it stupidity, and prudence will
be called
a lack of courage and thrown away, throwing mud at, together with, impudence they will call enlightenment,
freedom, debauchery
magnificence, shamelessness
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